

Reserved, Assiduous, Dependable, & Stubborn

The Sunforged

Public Identity

  • La Sirena
    Dane has turns of experience as a performer. Through finding her voice, she quickly found that dancing was her true calling. She continues to learn new styles, her favorites being various ballroom dancing such as Eorzean-equivalents of the Viennese waltz and the Argentine tango.

  • Balancing the Books & Business
    "Paperwork" is not a derogatory term in Dane's world. Flourish is a well-oiled machine due in part to her efforts of keeping every file organized and audited. She also quietly aids Hani with event planning behind the scenes (where she doesn't get tangled up in crowds and conversation).

  • Semi-Retired Angler
    At seventeen summers of age, Dane left Gridania to seek opportunities at the Fisherman's Guild in Limsa. For several turns, she traveled the star alongside fellow anglers. Seeking fulfillment she yearned for as a child, however, left a gaping hole in her heart that writing letters could not fill. She eventually returned home to be near her best friend again and opened an aquarium to keep her passion of ichthyology alive.

  • Found Family
    It is no secret that Hani is her best friend and sister. After a few unexpected obstacles (including dating Hani's brother, Joseni), she happily became part of the De'z family.

Along the Shoreline

Common Knowledge

  • Surname
    Only used when necessary. Otherwise, she simply introduces herself as Dane.

  • Tomes
    Reading is the easiest way for Dane to wind down. Cheesy romance stories are a must.

  • Dodos
    Dane's favorite animal. They are round and friend-shaped.

  • Staying Active
    Aside from dancing, early-morning jogs and yoga are important parts of Dane's daily exercise routine.

  • Stubborn
    An appreciated quality in Dane's professional life when it comes to arguing terms and contracts with Grand Companies. In her personal life? Not so much.

  • Isleblooms
    The hibiscus is Dane's favorite flower, reminiscent of a calming sea breeze and the sound of crashing waves.

  • The Navigator
    Dane's deity who was often a source of comfort and reassurance during her travels.

  • Dislikes Sweets
    Alcohol not included.

  • Jellyfish
    Several of these beloved creatures reside at La Ondina Aquarium and often follow Dane around when she runs errands. You can say hello; they love head pats.

High Tide

Uncommon Knowledge

  • The Waitress
    At sixteen summers of age, Dane began working at a restaurant close to home. She credits this opportunity for her no-nonsense policy and ability to deal with rowdy (and unfortunately, drunk) individuals. It is far from a lost skill since she often steps in as a bartender to help her friends.

  • The Kojin's Blessing
    Granted to her when she was an infant, the blessing was Dane's one and only lead to finding her birthplace. It also made her a valuable asset to the Fisherman's Guild.

  • Heritage
    Dane is accepting of her Othard roots, yet does not embrace them. She lacks pride and connection to the place of her birth despite falling in love with the region during her travels.

Uncharted Territory

Well-Kept Secrets

  • Parents
    Dane's parents hailed from within Shisui of the Violet Tides. Wanting their daughter to experience a life of her own choosing, they fled across the sea and left her in Gridania. Unaware of their motives, Dane only knows that they passed away when she was an infant.

  • Healing
    An unknown gift Dane inherited from one of her parents. Only her closest friends know of this burden and she intends to keep it that way. The turns of unexplained migraines and lack of scarring from injuries proved to be answers to a question she never wished to acknowledge.

  • Birth Name
    Children of foreign names do not often thrive in cities full of judgment and discrimination. After experiencing turns of ridicule and isolation, she left her Hingan name behind and chose a new identity for herself.

Performer Profile

  • Stage Name

  • Talents/Performance Type
    Singing & Dancing; Macro usage.

  • Genres
    Indie-pop, Electronic, Dance

  • Voice Profiles
    English — Luna Shadows, Bailey Baum, Glades
    Spanish — Kaia Lana, Sofía Reyes, maye

  • Misc.
    Dane has performed for several turns at different venues varying from small events to public festivals. She has softer vocals accompanied by simple and melodic beats to convey her message. On occasion, she brings high energy to the stage to showcase her dancing.

The Siren's Song

Past Performances